8 Reasons a Marketing CRM is Your Most Valuable Asset

8 Reasons a Marketing CRM is Your Most Valuable Asset

In marketing, understanding your customers is key to all those campaigns, advertising, and money spent towards keeping current customers happy and gaining new ones.

What if you could take away the guesswork and get the cold, hard data behind where your customers come from, how they behave, what moves them through your company’s sales funnel, and more?

CRM marketing software lets you do that!

Instead of making up a customer persona based on what you think your customers are like, you can make one based on what you know they are like.

Instead of creating campaigns that you think will resonate with your customer, you can create campaigns that you know will resonate with them (ok, at least have a WAY better chance at being successful, a marketing CRM won’t make you a mind reader).

Want to know the benefits of a Marketing CRM and why it’s essential in your company? Read on!

What is a Marketing CRM?

A Marketing CRM is a data-driven platform that helps marketers create meaningful customer relationships and improve their marketing strategies. CRM automation marketing aims to build personalised customer experiences by leveraging customer data, including past purchases, interests, and behaviors.

Marketers are focused on reaching target customers through campaigns like email, social media, and content to move customers through the buying process.

However, knowing the best channel for reaching high-quality leads and customers can be difficult at the best of times, especially if you don’t have an organised and clear view of who your customers are and how they respond to your attempts to reach them.

A marketing CRM helps marketers understand their customers and gives them the tools they need to execute the strategies and tactics that reach those customers.

For example, drip campaigns allow you to send various marketing messages to customers at the right time.

Drip campaigns can be set up in your CRM, allowing you to target a specific customer segment through email or SMS messages. Pretty handy for keeping your business at the front of your customer’s mind!

Correlation between CRM and Marketing

While the CRM tracks, manages, and stores customer data, marketing takes that data and creates advertising, blogs, emails, SMS texts and other communications to reach and convert more customers.

In today’s connected world, customers expect instant and consistent communication when they want it, and it’s up to marketers to provide it.

But if reaching customers properly means pushing relevant content their way, it’s tough to do that without a full understanding of who your customer is.

By using CRM strategies to track your customer journey through different sales funnels, you can gain invaluable knowledge about your customers’ wants and needs.

You can then use this data to create meaningful customer personas that accurately reflect who you should target with your marketing campaigns – increasing engagement rates, building better relationships, and ultimately growing your business.

CRM Automation Marketing Explained

CRM automation marketing is an effective way to improve the customer experience and increase sales. It’s an automated process that allows businesses to streamline their marketing, customer service, and other operational processes in one place.

With CRM automation marketing, you can create targeted campaigns, segment customers into different groups for better targeting, automate follow-up emails and messages, track customer interactions, and generate more leads.

Besides automation, marketing automation with CRM is about creating an experience for customers that will make them want to buy from you again and again. By streamlining your sales and marketing processes, your business can focus on providing the best customer service and products possible without spending hours manually managing each task.

A few examples of CRM automation marketing include:

  • Automated email campaigns,
  • Personalised content,
  • Dynamic segmentation, and
  • Tailored ad targeting.

These CRM strategies allow marketers to create a custom experience for each customer without manually researching and writing content for every user. By leveraging marketing automation with CRM, marketers can stay ahead of the curve and ensure their messages resonate with their target audiences.

Top Features and Benefits of CRM Marketing Software

Now that the why’s and how’s of marketing CRM software have been discussed, let’s move on to the specific features and benefits of marketing CRM software.

Since there are way too many features and benefits to discuss them all, the ones highlighted below are the top or main features, along with their benefits, that you should be aware of when considering CRM marketing software.

Examples of Marketing CRM features and benefits:

1. Lead managementTrack where quality leads come to more efficiently focus marketing efforts
Automatically send leads to sales
Categorize leads based on your criteria
2. Drip campaignsSend the right message to a customer at the right time automatically
Make your time go further with templates
3. Marketing automationFewer mistakes (a message is written once instead of over and over)
Appointment reminders, notifications for reviews, social media inbox, and more
Always get an up-to-date view of the customer
4. AnalyticsKeep track of goal and metric progress
Understand performance and why
Understand customer actions and behaviors
5. AccessibilityInformation is located and viewable in one place
Information is easy to access
6. Content managementProduce relevant content easier and faster
Monitor content performance
Personalise content for target audiences
Create, posts, and manage content from one system
7. SegmentationGroup customers into categories for more focused communications
8. Engagement tracking Gives you insight into which campaigns are working and which are not
Gives you a better understanding of which marketing channels drive engagement

What’s Next?

We all want to understand our customers better. It not only helps you help them, but it also increases your sales, company reputation, helps with brand recognition, and positively impacts your company’s bottom line.

Marketing CRMs give you many tools and insights into your customers and prospects to enhance your understanding of how they move through the purchasing process, what support they need, and more.

A marketing CRM can help you with every aspect of your marketing, from content marketing to events to paid advertising.

In short, a marketing CRM gives you a bird’s-eye view of your prospects and customers so you can tailor your marketing efforts to reach them more effectively. 

Book a discovery call with us so that we can outline the dedicated and customisable CRM marketing support that you can expect from a real CRM specialist like StormSpace.

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